Essential Spring Cleaning Tips For Your Air Conditioning Unit

Essential Spring Cleaning Tips For Your Air Conditioning Unit

As winter starts to wind down and spring begins, many people’s minds turn to spring cleaning. Our team at Blown Away HVAC would like to extend a friendly reminder that spring is a great time to also take care of some essential air conditioning maintenance along with your annual dusting, mopping, decluttering, and organizing.


Spring is the perfect time to show your air conditioner a little TLC before things really kick into gear during the summer, and investing a little time and effort sooner rather than later will ensure that your unit operates without a hitch when you need it to. Here are a few of our favorite spring cleaning steps for your air conditioning unit.

  • Change or clean the air filter: Over the winter, your filters can get clogged with dust and other debris, so make sure that you check, clean, or change them before you want to turn your unit on for the season.
  • Clean the condenser unit: The condenser is one of the exterior components of your air conditioning unit, which means that it accumulates all kinds of dirt and debris over winter. Take some time to clear away any leaves, sticks, and other obstructions so that it can operate effectively.
  • Clear the air vents: Just like the filter, the vents of your air conditioning system will collect plenty of dust and grime over the winter. You can remove the vent cover and vacuum the accessible portion of the ducts to get rid of lingering grime, and then wipe down the vents themselves to improve airflow.
  • Do a test run: Before the hot weather arrives in full swing, do a test run to check how your unit is running. This will allow you to check for issues like odd odors, noises, and uneven cooling and schedule repairs before the heat picks up.
  • Schedule professional maintenance: While there are plenty of things you can do to keep your air conditioning in good shape, having a trained professional examine the unit is the best way to ensure that when summer arrives, your unit is ready to keep you cool and comfortable.
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